NBit Bit Manipulation Library

Crc Properties

The properties of the Crc class are listed below. For a complete list of Crc class members, see the Crc Members topic.

Public Static (Shared) Properties

Crc14Kangaroo The CRC for the Kangaroo motion controller.
Crc15Can The CRC for CAN.
Crc16 The Modbus CRC, initialized with all zeros.
Crc16Ccitt The CCITT CRC, initialized with all ones.
Crc16Modbus The CRC for the Modbus PLC protocol.
Crc16XModem The CCITT CRC, initialized with all zeros.
Crc32 Ordinary CRC-32.
Crc32Castagnoli CRC-32C, used in SSE4.
Crc5Usb The CRC for USB token packets.
Crc8OneWire The CRC for the 1-Wire protocol.
Parity Simple parity (odd or even bit count).

See Also

Crc Class | NBit Namespace