ENet Class Library for C#

PacketFlags Enumeration

Specifies outgoing packet transmittion behavior.

This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.

[Visual Basic]
<Flags> _
Public Enum PacketFlags
public enum PacketFlags


Member Name Description Value
None Sequence the packet, and unless it is larger than the MTU and requires fragmentation, send it unreliably. 0
Reliable Send the packet reliably. 1
Unsequenced Allow the packet to arrive out-of-order. 2
NoAllocate Let the application, not ENet, handle memory allocation for the packet. 4
UnreliableFragment Even if an unreliable packet is larger than the MTU and requires fragmentation, send it unreliably. 8


Namespace: ENet

Assembly: ENet (in ENet.dll)

See Also

ENet Namespace