IrcReplyCode EnumerationNetIRC2 IRC Client Library for .NET
Many of the common IRC error and reply codes.

Namespace: NetIrc2
Assembly: NetIrc2 (in NetIrc2.dll) Version: (

public enum IrcReplyCode

  Member nameValueDescription
NoSuchNickname401 States that a nickname you specified does not exist on the server.
NoSuchServer402 States that a server you specified could be found.
NoSuchChannel403 States that a channel you specified could not be found.
CannotSendToChannel404 States that you are not allowed to send to a specific channel.
TooManyChannels405 States that there are already too many channels on the server.
WasNoSuchNickname406 States that the nickname you asked about never existed.
TooManyTargets407 States that you specified too many targets for your message.
NoOriginSpecified409 States that your ping/pong message did not have an origin parameter.
NoRecipientGiven411 States that you did not specify a target for your message.
NoTextToSend412 States that there was no text to send.
NoTopLevelDomainSpecified413 States that a message could not be delivered, because no top level domain name was specified. In other words, you sent a malformed message.
WildcardInTopLevelDomain414 States that a message could not be delivered, because there was a wildcard in the top level domain name you specified. In other words, you sent a malformed message.
UnknownCommand421 States that the server does not understand your command.
MissingMOTD422 States that the server's Message of the Day file is missing.
NoAdminInfoAvailable423 States that no administrative information could be found. This only occurs in response to a request for said information.
FileError424 States that an error occured when transferring a message. This is a fairly generic message, and does not necessarily mean you did anything incorrectly.
NoNicknameGiven431 States that a nickname parameter was expected and was not received.
ErroneousNickname432 States that the nickname you specified contained invalid characters.
NicknameInUse433 States that the nickname you specified is already in use.
NicknameCollision436 States that the nickname you specified is already in use, but on another server.
ResourceUnavailable437 States that the nickname or channel is temporarily unavailable.
UserNotInChannel441 States that the user specified for a command pertaining to a specific channel is not in the channel.
NotInChannel442 States that you are not in the channel you are trying to act upon.
UserAlreadyInChannel443 States that the user you invited to a channel is already in said channel.
UserNotLoggedIn444 States that the user specified could not be summoned, because they are not logged in.
SummonCommandDisabled445 States that summoning is disabled.
UsersCommandDisabled446 States that the 'USERS' command is disabled.
HaveNotRegistered451 States that you are not registered with the server, and registration is required for an action you attempted.
NotEnoughParameters461 States that an IRC command lacked some parameters.
AlreadyRegistered462 States that you may not reregister with the server.
UnpriviledgedHost463 States that you may not communicate with the server, because you do not have the appropriate priviledges.
IncorrectPassword464 States that the password you specified to connect was invalid.
BannedFromServer465 States that the server has been set up to deny connections to your computer.
ChannelKeyAlreadySet467 States that the channel key has already been set.
ChannelIsFull471 States that the requested channel cannot be joined because it is full.
UnknownModeCharacter472 States that a mode character you sent was invalid.
InviteOnlyChannel473 States that the channel could not be joined because it is invite-only.
BannedFromChannel474 States that you are banned from the channel.
BadChannelKey475 States that the channel could not be joined because the specified channel key was incorrect.
BadChannelName479 States that the channel name contains invalid characters.
NotIRCOperator481 States that the client does not have IRC operator priviledges, which are required for some command that was attempted.
NotChannelOperator482 States that you are not a channel operator for a channel and tried to do an action that required that.
CannotKillServer483 States that you may not kill the server.
HostCannotUseOperCommand491 States that the server is not set up to allow operator commands from your host.
UnknownModeFlag501 States that a mode change on a nickname included an unknown flag.
See Also