Pbkdf2 ClassCryptSharp
Implements the PBKDF2 key derivation function.
Inheritance Hierarchy

OnlineSystem Object
  OnlineSystem MarshalByRefObject
    OnlineSystem.IO Stream
      CryptSharp.Utility Pbkdf2

Namespace: CryptSharp.Utility
Assembly: CryptSharp (in CryptSharp.dll) Version:

public class Pbkdf2 : Stream

using System.Security.Cryptography;
using CryptSharp.Utility;

// Compute a 128-byte derived key using HMAC-SHA256, 1000 iterations, and a given key and salt. 
byte[] derivedKey = Pbkdf2.ComputeDerivedKey(new HMACSHA256(key), salt, 1000, 128);
using System.IO;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using CryptSharp.Utility;

// Create a stream using HMAC-SHA512, 1000 iterations, and a given key and salt.
Stream derivedKeyStream = new Pbkdf2(new HMACSHA512(key), salt, 1000);
See Also