IrcClient MembersNetIRC2 IRC Client Library for .NET

The IrcClient type exposes the following members.

Public methodIrcClient
Creates a new IRC client.
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Public methodChangeChannelTopic
Changes the channel topic.
Public methodChangeName
Changes the client's nickname.
Public methodChatAction
Sends an action message to the specified user or channel.
Public methodClose
Closes the network connection.
Public methodConnect(Stream, IrcClientConnectionOptions)
Connects to an IRC server specified by a stream.
Public methodConnect(IPEndPoint, IrcClientConnectionOptions)
Connects to an IRC server specified by an endpoint.
Public methodConnect(String, Int32, IrcClientConnectionOptions)
Connects to an IRC server.
Public methodCtcpCommand
Sends a CTCP command to the specified user or channel.
Public methodCtcpReply
Replies to a CTCP command from a user or channel.
Public methodDccCommand
Sends a DCC command to the specified user or channel.
Public methodInvite
Invites the specified user to the channel. Channel operator access may be required.
Public methodIrcCommand(IrcStatement)
Sends a premade IRC statement to the server.
Public methodIrcCommand(IrcString,  IrcString )
Constructs and sends an IRC command to the server.
Public methodJoin
Joins the specified channel.
Public methodKick
Kicks the specified user from the channel. Channel operator access may be required.
Public methodLeave
Leaves the specified channel.
Public methodListChannels
Requests a listing of available channels on the server.
Public methodLogIn
Logs in to the server.
Public methodLogOut
Logs out from the server.
Public methodMessage
Sends a message to the specified user or channel.
Public methodMode
Changes a channel or user's mode.
Public methodNotice
Sends a notice to the specified user.
Public methodPing
Pings the specified user.
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Public propertyClientVersion
The client version. This will be sent in reply to a CTCP VERSION query.
Public propertyIsConnected
Whether the client is connected to a server.
Public propertySyncRoot
The synchronization object for sending IRC commands.
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Public eventClosed
Called when the connection is terminated.
Public eventConnected
Called when a connection is established.
Public eventGotChannelListBegin
Called when the server has begun sending the channel list.
Public eventGotChannelListEnd
Called when the server has finished sending the channel list.
Public eventGotChannelListEntry
Called for each entry of the channel list.
Public eventGotChannelTopicChange
Called when a channel's topic changes.
Public eventGotChatAction
Called when someone sends a chat action message.
Public eventGotInvitation
Called when the client receives an invitation to join a channel.
Public eventGotIrcError
Called when an error occurs.
Public eventGotJoinChannel
Called when someone joins a channel.
Public eventGotLeaveChannel
Called when someone leaves a channel.
Public eventGotMessage
Called when someone sends a message.
Public eventGotMode
Called when a channel or user's mode is changed.
Public eventGotMotdBegin
Called when the server has begun sending the Message of the Day.
Public eventGotMotdEnd
Called when the server has finished sending the Message of the Day.
Public eventGotMotdText
Called for each line of the Message of the Day sent by the server.
Public eventGotNameChange
Called when someone changes their name.
Public eventGotNameListEnd
Called at the completion of a channel's user list.
Public eventGotNameListReply
Called when the server is sending a channel's user list.
Public eventGotNotice
Called when someone sends a notice. Notices differ from ordinary messages in that, by convention, one should not send an automated reply in response (such as 'I am away from the keyboard.').
Public eventGotPingReply
Called on a user's reply to a ping.
Public eventGotUserKicked
Called when a user is kicked from a channel.
Public eventGotUserQuit
Called when a user disconnects from the server.
Public eventGotWelcomeMessage
Called when the server sends the welcome message.
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See Also