ENet Class Library for C#

Packet Members

Packet overview

Public Static (Shared) Operators

Equality Operator
Inequality Operator

Public Instance Constructors

Packet Constructor Initializes a new packet based on a native C packet.

Public Instance Properties

Data Gets a pointer to the packet data.
Flags Gets the packet flags.
IsInitialized Returns true if the packet is initialized.
Item Gets or sets the byte at the specified index.
Length Gets the length of the packet.
NativeData Gets or sets the native C packet.
ReferenceCount Gets or sets the reference count. If you want to keep a packet around that you are giving to ENet, increment this. When you are finished with it, decrement this and call Dispose().

Public Instance Methods

Add Adds a byte to the end of the packet.
Clear Sets the packet length to zero.
Contains Checks if the packet contains a particular byte.
CopyToOverloaded. Copies part of the packet data into an array.
Dispose Destroys the ENet packet.
GetBytes Gets all bytes of the packet data.
GetEnumerator Returns an enumerator that iterates through the bytes of the packet.
GetType (inherited from Object)
GetUserDataOverloaded. Gets the user data associated with this packet.
IndexOf Checks if the packet contains a particular byte, and if so, returns the index.
InitializeOverloaded. Initializes a new packet.
Insert Inserts a byte in the packet.
Remove Removes the first byte in the packet with the specified value.
RemoveAt Removes the byte at the specified index from the packet.
Resize Resizes the packet.
SetUserDataOverloaded. Associates user data with this packet.
ToString (inherited from ValueType)

Public Instance Events

Freed Occurs when ENet is finished with a packet and it is about to be freed from memory.

Protected Instance Methods

Finalize (inherited from Object)
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)

See Also

Packet Class | ENet Namespace