Packet Constructor | Initializes a new packet based on a native C packet. |
Data | Gets a pointer to the packet data. |
Flags | Gets the packet flags. |
IsInitialized | Returns true if the packet is initialized. |
Item | Gets or sets the byte at the specified index. |
Length | Gets the length of the packet. |
NativeData | Gets or sets the native C packet. |
ReferenceCount | Gets or sets the reference count. If you want to keep a packet around that you are giving to ENet, increment this. When you are finished with it, decrement this and call Dispose(). |
Add | Adds a byte to the end of the packet. |
Clear | Sets the packet length to zero. |
Contains | Checks if the packet contains a particular byte. |
CopyTo | Overloaded. Copies part of the packet data into an array. |
Dispose | Destroys the ENet packet. |
Equals | Overloaded. |
GetBytes | Gets all bytes of the packet data. |
GetEnumerator | Returns an enumerator that iterates through the bytes of the packet. |
GetHashCode | |
GetType (inherited from Object) | |
GetUserData | Overloaded. Gets the user data associated with this packet. |
IndexOf | Checks if the packet contains a particular byte, and if so, returns the index. |
Initialize | Overloaded. Initializes a new packet. |
Insert | Inserts a byte in the packet. |
Remove | Removes the first byte in the packet with the specified value. |
RemoveAt | Removes the byte at the specified index from the packet. |
Resize | Resizes the packet. |
SetUserData | Overloaded. Associates user data with this packet. |
ToString (inherited from ValueType) |
Freed | Occurs when ENet is finished with a packet and it is about to be freed from memory. |
Finalize (inherited from Object) | |
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object) |