The methods of the Host structure are listed below. For a complete list of Host structure members, see the Host Members topic.
Broadcast | Broadcast a packet to all peers. |
CheckEvents | Checks for queued events. |
CompressWithRangeEncoder | Enables compression using the range encoder. |
Connect | Overloaded. Connects to a remote computer at the given host and port. |
Dispose | Destroys the host. |
DoNotCompress | Disables compression. |
Equals | Overloaded. |
Flush | Sends queued packets immediately. Normally they are sent when you call Service. |
GetHashCode | |
GetType (inherited from Object) | |
Initialize | Initialize a host that will accept connections on a particular address, or not accept connections. |
InitializeClient | Initialize a host that will not accept connections. |
InitializeServer | Initialize a host that will accept connections on any IP address. |
Service | Sends queued outgoing packets, receives incoming packets, and handles connection events. |
SetBandwidthLimit | Set the bandwidth limit. |
SetChannelLimit | Set the channel limit. |
ToString (inherited from ValueType) |
Finalize (inherited from Object) | |
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object) |